The Conscious Creation Journal was an online webzine focusing on the personal experiences and expressions of individuals who are integrating the “you create your own reality” idea into their daily lives and boldly stepping forward into the unknown.
The Journal is now in archival form only – no new submissions are being accepted – thank you.
Conscious Creation Journal – Article Archive Index
Beliefs as Tools or the Santa Theory (August 1998) by George Garner
Cancer as a Turning Point – From Surviving to Thriving (August 1998) by Jemille Hardy
Channelings Du Jour (August 1998)
The Essential Nature of Conscious Creation (August 1998) by Chris LaFontaine
Magic & Manifestations (August 1998)
Poems, Etc. (August 1998)
Religion I – 1 of 3, Perspectives from Universal Intelligence (August 1998) by Michele Mayama
Traveling as Your Total Self: Bali and Hong Kong (Part 1 of 2) (August 1998) by Lisa Wallach
Uniting Experience and Expression (August 1998) by John J. McNally
Three Steps into the Magical (August 1998) by John J. McNally
Trusting Your Impulses (August 1998) by Kristen Fox
Your Own Personal-Mass Reality (August 1998) by Kristen Fox
Channelings Du Jour (October 1998)
Creative Aggression and Expansion (October 1998) by Kristen Fox
Explorations via Personality Fragments (October 1998) by Mae Lou Larson
Goodbye, I’m Not Leaving (October 1998) by Chris LaFontaine
Holy Fuck (October 1998) by Mui
I Shine a Light (October 1998) by Jennifer Avalon
It Just Doesn’t Make Sense (October 1998) by Kristen Fox
Live the Dream! (October 1998) by Lisa Wallach
Magic & Manifestations (October 1998)
Natural Guilt and Inherent Ethics (October 1998) by Marsha Brown
Patterns of Living (October 1998) by George Garner
The Politics of Reality (October 1998) by Mirl Wythe
Poems, Etc. (October 1998)
Religion I – 2 of 3, Perspectives from Universal Intelligence (October 1998) by Michele Mayama
Traveling as Your Total Self: Bali and Hong Kong (Part 2 of 2) (October 1998) by Lisa Wallach
You Can’t Do It Wrong (October 1998) by John J. McNally
Channelings Du Jour (December 1998)
Cellular Memory (December 1998) by Billie Petty
The Exploration of Dreams (December 1998) by David Yeh
Hey! Leggo my Ego! (December 1998) by Chris LaFontaine
Holy Fuck – X-Files (December 1998) by Mui
Live the Dream! – Humanity’s Top Ten (December 1998) by Lisa Wallach
Magic & Manifestations (December 1998)
Religion – Part 3 of 3 – Perspectives from Universal Intelligence (Dec 1998) through Michele Mayama
Reclaiming Personal Power (December 1998) by John McNally
Seth and the African Experience (December 1998) by Ndungu Kahihu
Solutions (December 1998) by Jennifer Avalon
Something Even Skeptics Can Entertain (December 1998) by Lynda Flagler
Swimming Pools and Inner Passions (December 1998) by Kristen Fox
The Truth About Love (December 1998) by Kristen Fox
Astrology: Metaphysical and Mythological Roots (Feb-March 1999) by Nancy Leigh Jobes, O.M.
The Boar Encounter (Feb-March 1999) by John McNally
Channelings Du Jour (Feb-March 1999)
Earth Changes and Prophecy (Feb-March 1999) by Pamela Chamberlyn
Focus and Curiosity (Feb-March 1999) by Kristen Fox
Have Y2K Your Way! (Feb-March 1999) by Tom Haskins
Holy Fuck – Art Class… (Feb-March 1999) by Mui
Light of Avalon – Changes Don’t Come Easy (Feb-March 1999) by Jennifer Avalon
Live the Dream! – An Out-of-Body Tale (Feb-March 1999) by Lisa Wallach
Magic & Manifestations (Feb-March 1999)
On the Road to Self-Empowerment: 12 Steps to Living an Inspired Life (Feb-March 1999) by Carol James
Portals, Journeys, and Judgments (Feb-March 1999) by Chris LaFontaine
Reasonable Doubt (Feb-March 1999) by Lynda Flagler
The Three Faces of Me (Feb-March 1999) by John J. McNally
Channelings Du Jour (April-May 1999)
Dreamworking in Metaphysics (April-May 1999) by Jeri Noble
Holy Fuck – Evolution of a Touchy Feely Person (April-May 1999) by Mui
Letting Go of Pain (April-May 1999) by Shahma
Light of Avalon – Illusions (April-May 1999) by Jennifer Avalon
Live the Dream! – Meditation as Communication – Part One (April-May 1999) by Lisa Wallach
Loving Yourself In Every Moment (April-May 1999) by John McNally
Magic & Manifestations (April-May 1999)
Multidimensionality (April-May 1999) by Daniel Jacobs
The New Myth of Male and Female (April-May 1999) by Pamela Chamberlyn
I Have A Theory: Now What? (April-May 1999) by Kristen Fox
The Power of Paradox (April-May 1999) by Kristen Fox
Sit, Pedal, Steer (April-May 1999) by Chris LaFontaine
Channelings Du Jour (June-July 1999)
Did I Say Conscious Creation? Sorry, I Meant Conscious Creation (June-July 1999) by Chris LaFontaine
Feel Your Capacity for Metamorphosis and Connection (June-July 1999) by Michele Mayama
Holy Fuck – Come As You Are (June-July 1999) by Mui
Imagining the Future Now (June-July 1999) by Kristen Fox
Light of Avalon – Accepting Joy (June-July 1999) by Jennifer Avalon
Live the Dream! – Meditation as Communication – Part Two (June-July 1999) by Lisa Wallach
Magic & Manifestations (June-July 1999)
Natural Disasters & Safety, Participants in the Great Experiment (June-July 1999) by Omni through John Payne
The Nature of the Shift (June-July 1999) by Michele Mayama
Physical Immortality (June-July 1999) by ChiaraDina Cerweny
Pure Creation – Part One (June-July 1999) by Martin M. Haffner
Untangling Your Focus (June-July 1999) by Kristen Fox
Using the Tools of the Trade (June-July 1999) by John McNally
Who Creates What – A Perspective on Littleton, Kosovo, etc. (June-July 1999) by Paul Roberts
Begin From Where You Are (Aug-Sept 1999) by Sandi Hunter
Channeling: Doorways to Higher Truth (Aug-Sept 1999) by John Payne
Channelings Du Jour (Aug-Sept 1999)
The Healing of the Feminine (Aug-Sept 1999) by Michele Mayama
Living on Light (Aug-Sept 1999) by ChiaraDina Cerweny
Magic & Manifestations (Aug-Sept 1999)
Money is Energy is Money (Aug-Sept 1999) by Kristen Fox
Sexual Embarassment (Aug-Sept 1999) by Mui
Spiritual Exploration Through the Art of Meditating Together in Relationships (Aug-Sept 1999) by Lisa Wallach
The Power of Thought (Aug-Sept 1999) by John McNally
Reflections of Evolution (Aug-Sept 1999) by Tom Burke
Channelings Du Jour – The New (Indigo) Children (Oct-Nov 1999)
The Final Surrender (Oct-Nov 1999) by Michele Mayama
Healer Heal Thy Self (Oct-Nov 1999) by Louix Dor Dempriey
I’m Not a Writer, But Sometimes I Play One in Physical Reality (Oct-Nov 1999) by Kristen Fox
Inner Desire, Outer Space (Oct-Nov 1999) by Mui
The Loss of Love (Oct-Nov 1999) by Sandi Hunter
NOWhere (Oct-Nov 1999) by ChiaraDina Cerweny
Magic & Manifestations (Oct-Nov 1999)
Manifesting 101 & Beyond (Oct-Nov 1999) by Susan James
My Favorite Dream (Oct-Nov 1999) by Lisa Wallach
New Age Tyranny (Oct-Nov 1999) by John McNally
On Magic & Creating (Oct-Nov 1999) by Samantha Kaswell
The Shift to Organic Awareness (Oct-Nov 1999) by Michele Mayama
Walking with George (Oct-Nov 1999) by Ted Mousseau
Blurring the Lines (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Dawn M. Teel-Friedman
The Case of the Dueling Pendulums: Transforming from Individuation to Wholeness (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Michele Mayama
Channelings Du Jour (Dec1999-Jan2000)
The Great Divide (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Mui
Three Steps Into The Magical: Learning to Focus (Dec1999-Jan2000) by John McNally
Live the Dream (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Lisa Wallach
Magic & Manifestations (Dec1999-Jan2000)
Mastery of the Emotions: Bringing the Understanding of Emotions out of the Dark Ages (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Gail E. Steuart & Barry Blumstein
Piecing Reality Together (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Dawn M. Teel-Friedman
A PreProgrammed Interactive Simulation (Dec1999-Jan2000) by ChiaraDina Cerweny
Stepping into the Current of Creation (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Michele Mayama
Thoughts on Reality Creation without Judgment (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Rev. Susan H. Aguirre
Walking with George – Part Two (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Ted Mousseau
What It Means To Be Human (Dec1999-Jan2000) by Kristen Fox
And Now We Reach the Golden Chariot (Feb-March 2000) by Michele Mayama
Bubble Traveling (Feb-March 2000) by ChiaraDina Cerweny
Channelings Du Jour (Feb-March 2000)
Exercise and Alterations of Consciousness (Feb-March 2000) by Denny Hall
Harvesting Our Experiences to Seed the New Creation (Feb-March 2000) by Michele Mayama
Holy Goodbye (Feb-March 2000) by Mui
Magic & Manifestations (Feb-March 2000)
The Mother of All Dualities (Feb-March 2000) by Kristen Fox
Three Steps Into The Magical: Shivai! (Feb-March 2000) by John McNally
Spiritual Angst (Feb-March 2000) by Lisa Wallach
Walking with George – Part Three (Feb-March 2000) by Ted Mousseau
Why Things Break Down (Feb-March 2000) by M.M. Haffner
Channelings Du Jour (April-May 2000)
Details, Details, Details (April-May 2000) by Kristen Fox
Dispelling the Myth of the Fall From Grace (April-May 2000)
by Gail E. Steuart & Barry Blumstein
Magic & Manifestations (April-May 2000)
The Naked and the Dread (April-May 2000) by Sue Watkins
The Nature of Reality (April-May 2000) by ChiaraDina Cerweny
Oversoul City (April-May 2000) by John McNally
Perceiving Reality (April-May 2000) by John McNally
The Tao of Gun – Spiritual Sovereignty and the Hypocrisy of Gun Control (April-May 2000) by Richard Roberts
Vortex Tarot (April-May 2000) by Lisa Parsons
A Multidimensional Glimmer of Hope (June-July 2000) by Lisa Wallach
And the Bridge Exists No More (June-July 2000) by Michele Mayama
Bend that Mind! Stretch that Imagination (June-July 2000) by Mia Pokorny
Channelings Du Jour (June-July 2000)
Cosmic Motion Picture Company – Meeting of the Board (June-July 2000) by Sharon Mendenhall
Living the May 5th Alignment (June-July 2000) by John McNally
Magic & Manifestations (June-July 2000)
Picture This… (June-July 2000) by M.M. Haffner
Saved by Hand Lotion? (June-July 2000) by Kristen Fox
Seven Injured at Levitation Party (June-July 2000) by Steve Osborne
Tune In, Chill Out, Let It Sprout (June-July 2000) by Mia Pokorny
The Waitress (June-July 2000) by Laura Sylvester
What’s Going On When Reality Shifts? (June-July 2000) by Cynthia Sue Larson
Believe in the Blue Wall (August-Sept 2000) by Lisa Wallach
Confusius Say: A Collection (August-Sept 2000) by Lou Want
Time is What You Make of It! (August-Sept 2000) by Mia Pokorny
Cosmic Motion Picture Company – Working Without a Safety Net (August-Sept 2000) by Sharon Mendenhall
C’s SEA SEE SEIZE (August-Sept 2000) by ChiaraDina Cerweny
Tracks of Consciousness (August-Sept 2000) by John McNally
Magic & Manifestations (August-Sept 2000)
A New View of Life: For Effortless Enlightenment & Healing (August-Sept 2000) by Rev. John Kohlenberger
Peering Through the Portal (August-Sept 2000) by Renee Andersen
See with Your Heart (August-Sept 2000) by Matthew Levy
The Many Uses of Pain (August-Sept 2000) by Kristen Fox
A Walk Off the End of the World – Part 1 of 2 (August-Sept 2000) by John J. McNally
A Walk Off the End of the World – Part 2 of 2 (August-Sept 2000) by John J. McNally
Book Perspectives: Phoenix Return & This Strange Quantum World & You (Oct-Nov 2000) by John J. McNally and Kristen Fox
Channelings Du Jour (Oct-Nov 2000)
Cosmic Motion Picture Company – My New White Robe (Oct-Nov 2000) by Sharon Mendenhall
Dimensionality & Probability (Oct-Nov 2000) by Tom Burke
Excerpts from the Book: “Relax, It’s Only a Ghost” (Oct-Nov 2000) by Echo Bodine
Human Beings in the Mirror of the Universe (Oct-Nov 2000) by Michael Levy
I Created All of This (Oct-Nov 2000) by Mia Pokorny
It’s Hard to See Without Clear Vision (Oct-Nov 2000) by Linda Jones
Just One Day of Freedom (Oct-Nov 2000) by Kristen Fox
Lesson Two: The Encounters Continue (Oct-Nov 2000) by ChiaraDina Cerweny
Magic & Manifestations (Oct-Nov 2000)
The Physics of Law of Attraction in Action (Oct-Nov 2000) by Marelin the Magician
Prediction & Focus (Oct-Nov 2000) by John McNally
Remembering Tina (Oct-Nov 2000) by Lydia
All the Time in the World (Dec2000-Jan2001) by ChiaraDina Cerweny
Book Perspectives: Visitations & Speaking of Jane Roberts (Dec2000-Jan2001) by John J. McNally and Kristen Fox
Channelings Du Jour (Dec2000-Jan2001)
Childhood – Stories and Memories (Dec2000-Jan2001) by gAel
Core Beliefs-From Flat Earth to Personal Space Continuums (Dec2000-Jan2001) by Kristen Fox
Cosmic Motion Picture Company – Bon Appetit! (Dec2000-Jan2001) by Sharon Mendenhall
Death & the Naked Goddess (Dec2000-Jan2001) by Burl Hall
Developing a Reflective Life in the Midst of Turmoil (Dec2000-Jan2001) by Dr. Asoka Selvarajah
Dreaming the Life You Want (Dec2000-Jan2001) by Mia Pokorny
Five Inspirational Writings (Dec2000-Jan2001) by M. Tamar
It’s All About Love – How to Live a Better Life (Dec2000-Jan2001) by Stephen Jensen
Magnetic Magic (Dec2000-Jan2001) by Rev. John Kohlenberger
Navigating Probabilities (Dec2000-Jan2001) by John McNally
Unlocking the Genie of Your Soul (Dec2000-Jan2001) by Gail E. Steuart & Barry Blumstein
Victoria’s Web (Dec2000-Jan2001) by gAel
Are You Thinking or Are You Being Thought? (Feb 2001) by Dr. Asoka Selvarajah
Cosmic Motion Picture Company – Rule Maker Upper, Inc. (Feb 2001) by Sharon Mendenhall
In Search of My Bliss – Part One (Feb 2001) by Dale Evans
It’s Just Business, Isn’t It? (Feb 2001) by Jack Rabbit
Jack Rabbit Changes Color (Feb 2001) by Jack Rabbit
Lessons From My Horse (Feb 2001) by Mia Pokorny
Lightheart (Feb 2001) by Alan Cohen
Magic & Manifestations (Feb 2001)
Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation – A Book Excerpt (Feb 2001) by Omni through John Payne
Perspectives of God: How the Universe Works – Part One (Feb 2001) by William Gunderson
The Pharaoh Chewed Juicy Fruit (Feb 2001) by Alan Cohen
You Create Your Own Reality – So Says Seth (Feb 2001) by Alexis Brooks
What is the Value of One? (March 2001) by Sanat Kumara through Carla DeMarco
The Origin of an Original Idea (March 2001) by Larry Duvall
The Ego Strikes Back (March 2001) by Alan Cohen
Wiggling in My Seat (March 2001) by Sharon Mendenhall
A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing? (March 2001) by Jack Rabbit
Perspectives on God: Nature of the Universal Subconscious (part 2) (March 2001) by William Gunderson
A Question of Rightness (March 2001) by Jeri Noble
The Book of Fallacies (short article and excerpt) (March 2001) by Lynda Dahl
Encounter with the Energy of Unconditional Love (April 2001) by Roger A. “Pete” Peterson
How to Create Good in Your Life (April 2001) by Linda-Ann Stewart
In Search of My Bliss – Part II (April 2001) by Dale Evans, Intuitive Facilitator
The Lazy Way to Treat (April 2001) by Peter and Helen Evans
The Little Opinion (April 2001) by Sharon Mendenhall
On Having a Mentor – A Lesson from Alexander the Great (April 2001) by Dr. Asoka Selvarajah, PhD
Perspectives on God – Part Three (April 2001) by William Gunderson
What is 4D? (April 2001) by Jack Rabbit
Channeling Session (June 2001) by Sharon Mendenhall
Does Magic Work? (June 2001) by Tiernan
If a Tree Falls (June 2001) by Sharon Mendenhall
Perspectives on God, Part 4: The Muck of Mass Conscious Thinking (June 2001) by William Gunderson
The Straw (June 2001) by Susan Redding
Where Do You Want to Be? (June 2001) by Jack Rabbit
Working with your Heart Light (June 2001) by Cirtaen through Carla DeMarco
Letter from the Editors (August 2001) By Kristen Fox and John McNally
Consciously Creating the Seth Deck (September 2001) By Joyce Combs
Not ‘Making Do” Any Longer (September 2001) By Kristen Fox
Perspectives on God – Part 5-B: The Principles Applied (September 2001) By William Gunderson
The Inner Voice of the Master (October 2001) by John J. McNally
Know Thyself (November 2001) by Kristen Fox
The Gift of Jealousy (February 2002) By Joanne Rodasta Wilshin
Once Upon a Time – The Metaphysics of Divination (February 2002) By Brian Lee
September 11th Foretold (February 2002) By Susan M. Watkins
You Can’t Get THERE … From HERE: Please Stop Running FOR Cancer, AIDS, MS, and Disease – If You Want To Be Healthy (July 2002) By Jeanine Just
My Reality Is Better Than Yours … Or Is It? (July 2002) By Dr. Asoka Selvarajah
What Am I Creating? (July 2002) By Julie Robillard
Prosperity is a Work of Art! (November 2002) By Joanne Rodasta Wilshin, MA
You’ve Got Abracadabra, Baby! (November 2002) By Joanne Rodasta Wilshin, MA
Two Realities: Then & Now (November 2002) By Evin O’Ryan
Four Ways to Win the Timeless Life (December 2002) By Guy Finley
Everything is Perfect, Or Is It? (December 2002) By Joanne Rodasta Wilshin, MA
Be Content Yet Never Satisfied (December 2002) By Charlene Rashkow
Whose Thought Is It Anyway? (March 2003) By Dr. Darryl Pokea
You are Designed to Desire (March 2003) By Joanne Rodasta Wilshin, MA
Thoughts from the Field Center (March 2003) By The Field Center
Immaculate Techniques (April 2003) By Susan James
How the Millionaire Maverick was Born (April 2003) By Susan James
Chapter Two: Karen Kimball’s Charmed Life (August 2003) by Cynthia Sue Larson
Chameleon Reality, or, Don’t Let the Quantum Weirdness Bite You (January 2004) by Michael Lamas
Self Awareness (February 2004) By Michael Roads
Is Your Life a Truman Show? (February 2004) By Dr. Asoka Selvarajah
Gratefulness & Prosperity (February 2004) By Dr. Darryl Pokea
Do You Attract What You Want In Your Life? (February 2004) By Michael Roads
What You Focus On Expands (February 2004) By Dr. Asoka Selvarajah
Universal Junk Store (February 2004) By Jen Beaven
If All I Have to Do Is Visualize & Affirm, Why Aren’t I Rich? (June 2004) By Teri Harris Saa