Printed in the Conscious Creation Journal
August 1998, Issue 1
Your Own Personal Mass-Reality
by Kristen Fox
“Physical objects cannot exist unless they exist in a definite perspective and space continuum. But each individual creates his own space continuum… I want to tie this in with the differences you seem to see in one particular object. Each individual actually creates an entirely different object, which his own physical senses then perceive.” – The Seth Material by Jane Roberts p. 115
After I read this quote from the Seth Material, I started to examine what I believed I meant by the phrase “mass reality,” especially if each of us creates our own personal space continuum! Then, the following idea burst into my head: The division between personal reality and mass reality is as illusory as the division between ego and entity/oversoul. There is a division only as long as we choose to believe in it.
For the framework of this article, I define “mass reality” as the belief in a space continuum which exists objectively outside what we’d consider our own personal space continuum and would somehow seem to supercede our own choices, or personal reality. With this understanding, in “mass reality” a alternate set of beliefs holds true or there would be no point in distinguishing it from “personal” reality. Most often we’d think in terms of leaving our personal reality and interacting in “mass reality” when we go out in public or otherwise deal with “others.” And I define “mass EVENTS” as those events in physical reality in which we perceive ourselves as interacting with at least one “other” person.
When we believe in a mass reality outside of our own personal reality, we have CREATED that mass reality through belief. And yet, we are so used to thinking in these terms that we have difficulty looking at the concept of a “mass reality” as merely a BELIEF instead of REALITY. We each probably have “good reasons” for arguing either for or against the existence of “mass reality,” in which case we can ask ourselves why do we choose one or the other point of view? What would either maintaining or dissolving this division mean to us individually and emotionally?
Looking at this illusory division through the eyes of habitual creation, we are USED TO perceiving and interacting with others and ASSUME then that these others exist outside of ourselves. This is usually because we’ve associated ourselves solely with our singular physical focus for so long. And yet, when we interact with “others,” we are creating our physical experience of their ESSENCE in our own personal space continuum. Their essences DO exist independently, and yet the interaction and perception of them that we experience in physical reality are our creation of them in our own space continuums. We’ve drawn their essences to us and then create our own version of them to interact with.
It is rather like trying to translate a dream into words. The dream exists whole on a different focus of consciousness and when we write it down we interpret it and filter it through our rational mind beliefs in order for it to “exist” in some form in physical reality. The form of words is not the dream itself but an interpretation. In that same way the clarity of our creation of and interaction with another’s essence in our space continuum depends on the clarity with which we allow ourselves to see ANYTHING, especially ourselves and our own beliefs.
For instance, when I lived in North Carolina, I decided to create a Writers Group because I wanted to interact with a group of “other” individuals on the subject of writing. Through the group dynamics I was able to learn how each of them perceived what writing was and how they went through their own process – it was like having access to multiple facets of the crystal of writing. I might have been able to achieve the same results by reading books and articles, and I’m sure others have chosen that path, even probable me’s. The point is, my intentions drew others to me, and I created versions of them in physical reality with which to interact. Each one of them also created a version of MY essence in their reality/space continuum. According to the previous definitions, the Writers Group is considered a “mass event,” not a “mass reality.” When my Writers Group met, our energies combined in each PRESENT moment to create that moment, and then next one. This sets up an essence or gestalt that exists outside of time and space, like the essence of a person does, for instance. This essence will continue even as, in the next moment, the Writers Group decides it’s late and disbands for the evening. This new essence, spawned from the combined focused energies of each group member, is independent unto itself, and goes on to create experiences in its own “space continuum” (if it chooses space), but does not fit into the idea of a “mass REALITY” in the defined sense. This essence, no matter what beliefs or ideas formed it, in no way limits or restricts each Writers Group member from continuing to form their own space continuum as they wish. It may not even choose to interact with us anymore!
Another way to look at what we consider to be mass events is to see them simply as EVENTS, which take on a waking dream symbol type of meaning.
“Look at your nuclear-reactor troubles at the plant by Harrisburg (Three Mile Island). The entire idea of nuclear power was first a dream – an act of the imagination on the part of private individuals – and then through fiction and the arts, a dream on the part of many people. Instantly, probabilities spun out from that dream in all directions, vast potentials and dangers.
It was hardly a coincidence that this particular situation ARRIVED in the social climate first of all portrayed in a movie.
Nuclear power stands for POWER, plain and simple. Is it good or bad? It stands in man’s dreams as belonging to God: the power of the universe. Man has always considered himself, in your terms, as set apart from nature, so he must feel set apart from nature’s POWER – and there must be a great division in his dreams between the two. Nuclear energy in fact, then, comes as a dream symbol, and emerges into the world as something to be dealt with.” – The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 844, by Jane Roberts.
If I had a DREAM about a nuclear power plant, I, personally, might see it as something which produces energy by division and separation of the atom, representing the duality and conflict within ourselves over issues of power. Perhaps when we have resolved the struggles and conflicts within ourselves, uniting our inner focus, that’s when we will each then decide to create nuclear FUSION in the waking dream of each of our own physical realities, which is a wonderfully efficient and abundant symbol for power based on UNITY.
Mass events can also provide a stage where individuals can “combine efforts” to create a drastic situation which, according to their belief systems, might help bring out and solve personal issues which, under everyday circumstances, might not see the light of day.
“Often the existence of probabilities and their acceptance does provide a kind of exterior crisis situation that individually and en masse is a symbol of independence and inner crisis. The crisis is met in the exterior situation, and as the people deal with that situation they symbolically deal with their own inner crises.” – The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 848, by Jane Roberts.
You could also look at a mass event as a personal curiosity about how others are choosing to experience physical reality, like walking through an art gallery to see what other artists have created. Because you chose not to be with the artist as they painted and sculpted, you chose instead to create objects of art to look upon. This is similar to reading a headline in a paper where 200 people died of a tainted flu-shot serum rather than choosing to create the tainted serum and flu- vaccinations in your own experience. The motivation for any choice in this case would be determined by the individual’s beliefs in his or her own value fulfillment.
In both cases you’ve ALSO chosen NOT to experience being the artist who creates the piece OR the individual who dies. While you were interested in PERCEIVING these realities, you didn’t apply your intent to experiencing them directly in your own space continuum. In other words, you didn’t create the ACTUAL event that we’d imagine preceded the art piece and the headline (and in actuality, there is no cause and effect as we are used to thinking of it) in your own space continuum, but rather created a window, so to speak, into another continuum where perhaps other individuals DID choose to experience it. In any case, it’s extremely important to understand the difference between creating direct experience and creating a WINDOW so that you may be clear on what EXACTLY you’ve chosen as your experience.
“The psyche expresses itself through action, of course, but it carries behind it the thrust from which life springs, and it seeks the fulfillment of the individual – AND it automatically attempts to produce a social climate or civilization that is productive and creative. It projects its desires outward onto the physical world, seeking through private experience and social contact to actualize its potentials, and in such a way that the potentials of others are also encouraged. It seeks to flesh out its dreams, and when these find no response in social life, it will nevertheless take personal expression in a kind of private religion of its own.” – The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 831, by Jane Roberts.
Belief in Conflict and Duality
When discussing the ramifications of the belief in a division between a personal reality and a mass reality, another belief immediately pops up, also based in the illusion of separation: The belief that conflict is simply a “natural” or inherent part of the physical reality experience. For, if you believe in the separation between these two realities, is there not then room for conflict?
One way to examine our beliefs about the macrocosmic nature of personal and mass reality is to look at the beliefs we have regarding the microcosmic interactions of individuals and groups in physical reality. What happens when we believe in separation between you and a group of people, or even another individual?
When you separate YOUR reality from the REST of reality or from MASS reality, you automatically open the door to dualism, making conflict possible and probable. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with experiencing conflict, when we choose consciously, we may decide NOT to pick that option.
I once observed my supervisor at a previous job, Marguerite, lead a meeting at the office. Six people representing six different parts of the company were there to discuss a collaborative project. I watched as each person offered their own point of view on the project and many ideas SEEMED to be in conflict with other ideas that were also presented. I could almost see the cloud of tension hanging above the conference table. Marguerite took it all in stride though, and in the end, everyone left satisfied that the decisions made there incorporated each of their ideas successfully. When I asked Marguerite what her secret was she grinned and said, “There’s no such thing as a conflict of interest.”
Identifying with separation makes conflict possible. When we believe in a separation between personal and mass reality, this also opens the door for conflict to exist between what you decide to create and what you believe “mass reality” decides to create. In such a duality, who wins out? Do you then have to choose who is more powerful, the individual or the masses?
When you perceive a vast difference or gulf between what you see as your ideal and your perception of “mass reality,” you are actually recognizing the boundary of what you perceive to be your sphere of influence or power to create. In this case, your belief in mass reality and how well it’s aligned with your own personal idealism is a wonderful waking dream symbol for how “far” you believe that your own influence and power extend.
No matter where you are in your ability to interact with physical reality, that’s the place to start creating. Even with what could be linearly considered “long-term creation goals,” you can hold these loosely in your mind, and then ask yourself what you really want to do in each NOW moment. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like the impulses you get have anything to do with your long-term goal, and yet in our holographic style lives, it all fits together in a multidimensional gestalt. For instance, let’s say you are a teacher in the public school system and want to create a better system for teaching the children. This is your long-term goal, which will include many “mass events” and the creation of what we might have called a new “mass reality” which is actually your own ideals being expressed beyond the boundaries of what you’d considered your “personal” reality.
The more you acknowledge and take action within the realm of your own idealism, your own integrity, your own ideas of value fulfillment, the more expansive your sphere of influence becomes. As we allow knowledge and application of our own power to expand, we will see these same ideals and dreams that were once only reflected in what we’d consider as our IMMEDIATE reality, begin to take hold in what we previously labelled “mass” reality. As we begin to support our ideally-focused selves more fully, the ideals and dreams that we have inside begin to be fully expressed in our experience in physical reality. This would then move or even dissolve the illusory line between the concepts of “personal” and “mass” reality.
©1998, Kristen Fox. Printed in the August 1998 Issue of the Conscious Creation Journal. (Feel free to duplicate this article for personal use – please include this copyright notice.)
Kristen about Kristen: I’m a writer, artist, metaphysician, applicational theorist, and strange thought-thinker.