Channelings Du Jour – October 1998

Printed in the Conscious Creation Journal
October 1998, Issue 2

Channelings Du Jour

Joy and Allowance
(Automatic Writing Session, 1/7/98)
by Kristen Fox

Kristen auto-writes with Ragon, her innerself.

Joy, to put it bluntly, is the lubricant of life.  Allowing this state to flow through you is allowing life to flow through you.  You can feel it opening your crown chakra, running through your spine, and relaxing your muscles.  You can feel it pouring into your energy field and expanding it beyond your usual range.  You can feel how smoothly things fall together because joy puts you in touch with the very creative force which constructs your physical reality experiences.  Joy both helps you to let go and to be aware.  It is this state which centers you in your being.  You may judge here that we are perhaps putting too much emphasis or “weight” on this state, but we are very excited because it is a remarkable accomplishment to once again find and remember your joy of being.  Not joy for a particular reason, simply because you choose it.

Rationalizations are just as you surmized, as are “good reasons.”  You can spend a lot of rational mind time coming up with good reasons for what you have already decided to do, and while this is a good mental exercise, it is not necessary.  Perhaps before your rational minds are trusting of the inner information, rationalizations help the information to come through.  But “good reasons” and rationalizations often slow down the creation process because you must come up with reasons that justify your every action or decision.  When there is no need for justification, there is only flow, no dams or bottlenecks.  You can remind yourself of your stream diversion in this case.  When you put gravel and rocks in the stream, the channel narrows and less water pours through.  You can still direct the channel the way you want to, regardless of the volume of water that is passing through, of course.

You started off this understanding by saying that you were retraining the rational mind to observe and not control.  This is the experiential aspect of this retraining.  You’ve given up the need for your rational mind to justify everything because you’ve replaced your critical analysis of every pre-creation with trust instead, which better allows your expanded self to create for you exactly what you want.  Your doubt and judgment of your desires is much smaller than it once was also.

It is yourselves who have always been so hard on yourselves, scrutinizing your desires for acceptability, questionability, morality, and perceived usefulness, that you’ve created a situation where you start out with a mighty redwood forest in your creative self and when it appears in physical reality you have a box of very practical, and very small, toothpicks.  You rationalize the validity of these as well, bringing in societal judgments and fears as support.

Most of you have been taught to fear your own power to create a redwood forest, so to speak, and feel much more comfortable with the toothpicks.  For this same reason, unconsciously you train yourselves to reduce and deny the flow of joy.  You can be happy, but not TOO happy, and when you ARE happy, you must have a good reason.  In other words, you must be RE-ACTing to something in order to be happy.  Or you must have officially approved and proven happiness-engendering situations in your life.  If you don’t, then you are considered insane, impractical, and irresponsible.

And like many things, you’ve gone through the experience of creating toothpicks to see that it’s not necessary to do it.  In this way, you know that you have left the narrow channels of joy behind, having opened to the larger flow.  For instance, you decided you wanted a white pickup as a sign of being “looked out for” today, and what did you see on the way into town – upwards of NINETEEN white trucks.  Obviously, this was no coincidence.  You get what you focus on.  When you allow more energy to flow into your experience of physical reality, and allow more energy to support your desires, you see very powerful results, indeed.

You are now learning to use this state to your creative advantage.  We recommend you play with it as much as possible.  Enjoy it!  There is no other way to practice joy.

Good night, dear ones.

(c)1998 Kristen Fox. Printed in the October 1998 Issue of the Conscious Creation Journal. (Feel free to duplicate this article for personal use – please include this copyright notice.)
(Automatic Writing Session)
by George Garner

Question: What is being responsible for one’s actions???

You are energy beings and your actions utilize energy — energy transformations.  There is no responsibility in choosing an action.  You have free choice.  Choosing an action is just being — an act of creation.  There is no responsibility for the choice of creation.  Creation is, and it is all it can be, in all its manifestations.  Creation explores everything.  To be responsible for one’s OWN actions is acknowledgment as being the creator of that action.  Action leads to action leads to action etc. etc.

All That Is (ATI) you might say, if looking at responsibility in your terms, is responsible then, for all — for all that it creates.  Yet ATI allows everything, every act, without judgment or what you refer to as ‘responsibility’.  The responsibility is within consciousness to create, to continue to create.  You have a ‘different’ idea of the meaning of responsibility.  You think responsibility means to be ‘acting’ in a certain way — a responsible way.  A way that limits yourself to only certain kinds of actions, that you judge as being ‘responsible’. How do you really know that an ‘irresponsible’ action might have as much creative force and value as what you term ‘responsible’???

Yes, you have certain values on your plane.  These you believe in and uphold.  They are, however, just beliefs and codes of ethics to operate by.  They are not necessary to be responsible in a creative sense.  You may see a dilemma here, with a sense of responsibility as to what you consider to be right or wrong, good or bad.  You are basically judging your action and others, by those beliefs of value and ethics that you have come to accept as being ‘normal’ in your society at this moment, in your terms of time.  You ARE responsible for your judgments, they are yours, and even though you make judgments, you do so through your belief and value systems.  And so you see ‘responsibility’, as a means of controlling the action of self and others.  This can be very restrictive, as it binds the self into that dilemma of ‘acting’ or ‘not acting’.  Acting — action is the creative force.  There is always action.  You are AS responsible for your own actions, as a flower is responsible for lifting its head towards the sun, and creating a new leaf or a new seed.

You will, if you allow yourself, act in the most natural way and one that is ‘good’, in your terms, for your life and value fulfillment.  It is when you ‘stop’ action, because you think that it might not be appropriate, that causes the problems.  The backing up of energy is then eventually released in a ‘misdirected’ surge of action. Acting spontaneously, with your intuition and natural awareness, will guide and lead you to the light or vitality of your own Self, as a plant naturally grows toward the light.

You might look at that word ‘responsibility’ and break it down.  What it is really saying, is ‘the ABILITY to RESPOND’.  Now, when do you NOT have the ability to respond?  It is when you RESTRICT yourself from doing so.  By NOT acting, by restricting an action that you judge to be inappropriate.  Of course, you can say that one is acting by NOT acting — the action is the restriction of that action.  Well, that may seem like an easy way out, but take a look at anything that you restrict from happening.  Action leads to action, so that action of restriction, will find a release of that energy within yourself, within your own containment, your body, your reality, as that is where you are holding this restriction.  This action will be directed toward self — meaning the body — rather than be released externally..  And you wonder where dis-ease, ill-ness and war originate.

(c)1998 George Garner. Printed in the October 1998 Issue of the Conscious Creation Journal. (Feel free to duplicate this article for personal use – please include this copyright notice.)

George about George: As an energy essense personality I focused into this physical dimension in 1946 England.  Unfortunately, I forgot most of what I knew.  I stumbled on the Seth books, by no accident, in the early 70’s and read them as they were published.  I started to remember.  Much acceleration occurred in this after meeting other Seth folks on Internet mailing lists, such as Sethworks, around late 1995.  I continue to explore my inner connections from my physical location in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada.
Brain — Mind — Shift
(Automatic Writing Session)
by George Garner

“It is now.  It is always now.  The time that you experience is a process of your brain’s ability to process activity or action.  The brain is a linear concept.  The mind is not.  It develops at once, but the action within the brain is linear to your physical selves.   The brain does act simultaneously in some respects, but you do not focus on more than one thing at a time.  You may focus on many things in sequence in a short period of time, but it is always linear in your terms.

Do you have a pencil handy?”


“Ok, leave the keyboard for a moment and draw this diagram.”  [I drew a circle with a dot at the centre, then I drew a line from dot to rim of the circle…then started to draw another line from dot to circle.  I then imagined this line being drawn or completed for all segments around the circle…but realized I could only draw or action one at a time.]

“What I had you do there, was to draw a circle with a dot in the center…from that dot you drew a line to the circle (radius)…now I had you draw another line from point to circle….then you imagined other lines of similar length going around the whole circle like segments… could imagine this all at once… you could imagine all those lines forming at once…but you could only ACT on drawing one at a time.

And so it is in the physical, that your actions are in sequence, one after another, yet you can use your mind and imagination to ‘see’ the whole, so to speak.  Now, for you to ‘experience’ those actions, they must be done one after another, within your physical environment.  It is the way the physical system is set up.  This will change as you become more aware of your other selves and simultaneous actions.  You will then access these other selves to experience action all at once, rather than just one self performing a single action.  You have multitudinous selves performing multi-actions.  This is getting closer to simultaneous time, or the spacious present, you see.  Once you become aware of other selves — past, future, probable selves, then you will glimpse a reflection of ATI.  Right now you can only imagine this concept.  The imagination with intent and purpose will create, and so with humanity now moving into this new way of thinking, that of looking at and within himself, so he then shall experience it.

The process of thinking is a mechanical product of the brain linked to mind.  It is the thoughts and ideas that have electromagnetic energy and reality.  The process of thinking, in the physical, is a way of structuring time.  It allows the mind to process through the brain, instructions and messages for physical survival and for enlightenment, via intuitions/dreams etc.  The thinking process can occur at any level, but it is most effective with rational and intuitive aspects.   Thinking involves the focus of the brain into the flow of the mind.  That particular focus or attention on the subject of the thinking will draw forth the thoughts and ideas from the bank of knowledge of ATI.  This knowledge is dependent on the level or type of consciousness tapping into this knowledge bank.  This is where the saying ‘so shall you sow so shall you reap’ has meaning.  This saying has a multidimensional aspect to it, as you can now see, in its various applications.”

(c)1998 George Garner. Printed in the October 1998 Issue of the Conscious Creation Journal. (Feel free to duplicate this article for personal use – please include this copyright notice.)

George about George: As an energy essense personality I focused into this physical dimension in 1946 England.  Unfortunately, I forgot most of what I knew.  I stumbled on the Seth books, by no accident, in the early 70’s and read them as they were published.  I started to remember.  Much acceleration occurred in this after meeting other Seth folks on Internet mailing lists, such as Sethworks, around late 1995.  I continue to explore my inner connections from my physical location in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada.