Printed in the Conscious Creation Journal
December 1999 – January 2000, Issue 9
Blurring the Lines
by Dawn M. Teel-Friedman
Seth told us repeatedly that there are no separations of the self, except those we believe. One way we create the illusion of separation is creating boxes and boundaries with our judgements of our surroundings. We decide that an action is right or wrong, or that an event is good or bad. Nothing is inherently positive or negative. Consciousness just IS. The meaning of an event is determined by the beliefs we hold and the judgements we make. One effect of our beliefs in black-and-white contrasts is that we sometimes get stuck in confusing situations as we create our reality. Seth described “opposite” beliefs as being in cross purposes to each other. Others refer to it as duplicity or duality. Whatever you call it, exploring what these beliefs are can be a way out of a rut.
One approach to finding these beliefs is to ask yourself, “What is the advantage of creating this situation?” or “How does this situation benefit me?” The answers can be revealing. I heard a story about a woman telling a seminar facilitator that if she regained her health she’d have to go back to work. This belief structure contains limitation by requiring an either/or situation rather than one of unlimited probabilities. A frequent question among all persons, conscious creators or not, is “Why can’t I win the lottery?” Comments about the lottery reveal many beliefs that prevent people from hitting a jackpot: gambling is immoral/against my religion, money doesn’t mean anything if you don’t earn it, the lottery is a fool’s game, and money changes people.
Beginning with any belief and free-associating to others is one way of figuring out where you hold conflicting beliefs. Beliefs often branch off in several directions. You might be surprised if your belief exploration reveals that you had a belief you weren’t aware of. For example, I believe that there are no victims, and I feel safe most places I go. However, I discovered recently that I had been blaming someone for withholding something they owed me. I was playing a victim role by forgetting that they can’t harm me without my permission. And, allowing myself to be frustrated and angry was only blocking my energy.
We can also experience conflict if we still hold beliefs by default, such as those passed on from an adult to a child. One classic example is the need to be “on the right path” although, according to society, there are many different paths-career, spiritual, and family, just to name a few. We are all unique expressions of consciousness. Our purpose in physical reality is to experience being physical. There are many probable paths, and all of them are equally valid. Rather than struggle on paths lain by the expectations of others, we can trust ourselves and follow the path that is uniquely ours.
Seth and others repeatedly advise us to learn to trust and accept ourselves. One way of doing this is to avoid labeling things good or bad, right or wrong, attractive or unattractive, etc. This includes accepting others as reflections of ourselves. The world around us mirrors our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. When we make a judgement about something outside ourselves, we’re really judging ourselves, and blocking our energy flow. As conscious creators, we know that we get what we concentrate on.
Here’s an idea: begin coloring outside the lines, a little here, a little there. Instead of judging strangers, relatives, or friends who are bold in expressing themselves, appreciate their freedom and creativity. Thank yourself for creating those people to inspire and challenge you. Give yourself more credit than blame. The more you trust yourself, the easier it gets. Don’t worry-easier doesn’t mean less interesting. And besides, you trust yourself.
©1999, Dawn M. Teel-Friedman. Printed in the December 1999 – January 2000 Issue of the Conscious Creation Journal. (Feel free to duplicate this article for personal use – please include this copyright notice.)