
Article About Telekinesis

Just wanted to share a short, casual article on telekinesis – it quickly goes beyond the initial, naysaying that tends to stall further discussion and instead goes on to examine possible explanations for how it actually works, which is nice for a change! Click here to read the article.

[tags]paranormal, telekinesis, psychokinesis, metaphysics, quantum physics[/tags]

Dream: Story of the Red Vortex

This was a dream that I remembered when I woke up, in that way that you remember bits and pieces consciously, but then when you write it down the full story and meaning starts to unfold in the linear telling of it. Like a ball of string you unroll. So here’s the dream, which is very much a linear time-space type story it seems.

It was time out of memory or ancient times well beyond our current recorded history. Somewhere in this land there appeared a large red vortex. Apparently a being was communicating through this vortex and the people saw it as threatening. Verbal communication was difficult since there was no common language or even a common reality framework from which to draw connections. But the being communicating seemed to have red skin and horns and was yelling and gesturing through the vortex and the people feared this being and the red vortex to their bones.  Continue reading “Dream: Story of the Red Vortex”

Catching Those Subtle Thoughts

For some reason it always surprises me when I become aware of a thought I’ve been thinking that had been flying just under the radar of my consciousness.  Something I’ve let run through my brain unconsciously for so many years I just stopped seeing it.  They seem to show up when I’m intent on moving beyond them – the feel of the new thought or vibe I’m reaching for suddenly highlights the old unconscious thought in a sharp contrast. I probably wouldn’t even notice those old thoughts if I wasn’t pushing myself to change. And if I wasn’t now able to catch the icky or negative/limiting vibe that these old thoughts were still broadcasting. New vibe? Feels good, open, promising. Old vibe? Feels restrictive, annoying, like a shirt made for someone else.

What sometimes helps me dig these old thoughts up more completely is pretending that I’m already experiencing the situation that I’m reaching for, or just about to. If I find it hard to inhabit that new vibe fully, I start asking myself why. How do I feel in this new situation when I picture myself with my family? When I’m working? When I’m at the store? What do I feel other people are thinking about me in this new situation? (This is, of course, never about what other people would really be thinking, but what I’m PROJECTING onto them.)

After I finally SEE the old thought/belief, it feels like it’s all suddenly just layed out on the table in front of me and I can sweep the old ones into the trash can – what a relief! And… onward into the new vibe with no anchors, weights, or hooks holding me down.

Anyway, it always sounds weird to me when I try to write down these internal processes – like describing to someone how you choose which kind of soup you want in a restaurant – fascinating reading – LOL!!

[tags]conscious creation, belief, law of attraction, reality creation, thought, awareness, consciousness[/tags]

Some Cool Quotes

Ran across a few quotes that I thought I’d share:

“We’re all right. How are we going to deal with all that complexity?” – Margaret Wheatley

“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” – Gloria Steinem

“The question is not ‘can you make a difference?’ You already do make a difference. It’s just a matter of what kind of difference you want to make, during your life on this planet. ” – Julia Butterfly Hill

[tags]quotes, quotations, inspirational, inspiration[/tags]