Clairaudient Dream

I had a fun dream early this morning. I was sitting in a living room with John and a friend of ours, and we were chatting about various subjects. A question came up and while I was puzzling out an answer, I started to hear a pleasant male voice in my right ear that was telling me all about the issue we were talking about! I was amazed that I was hearing it so clearly (clairaudience such as this isn’t a part of my waking reality abilities, so far), and grabbed a paper to write everything down that I was getting. It was tough at first, but I finally got into that split mode where I was listening and writing without letting my left brain get too involved.

Naturally, I have no memory of the topic we were discussing, but the dream experience itself was cool – the voice just started up in answer to my wonderings! πŸ™‚

A Few Words for the Start of 2009

My thoughts du jour: it’s one thing to create something in your life that already exists as a possibility within your framework of belief. It’s another process altogether to create something that requires you to greatly expand your framework of belief or shift to a ‘new’ framework altogether before the creating can come to fruition. The first responds very well to the ‘be where you are and choose what you want’ idea. The second seems to be better suited to the ‘be where/who you desire to be and choose what you want’.

For me, there’s been a lot of release and detachment from the old framework/vibes. Constantly reminding myself to set something down when I keep picking the dang thing back up again. Or as Gradius & Ragan have said, keep choosing the new until you’re no longer choosing the old!

Hope this is a little bit of encouragement to those on what might have become a longer than expected path to manifesting what you want! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Stepping Off The Map

The concepts of conscious creation are pretty simple, in theory. (Note: ‘Simple’ does not necessarily mean the same thing as ‘easy’.) Most websites and books that discuss it cover the same basic ideas, including our website too. I do, however, think that the functional, practical application of these concepts in our everyday lives often reveals a LOT more about the process than is readily evident in the general theory. And of course, it reveals a lot more about ourselves.

In my opinion, after you integrate the basic concepts and any useful techniques or processes, you eventually have to step off the end of the known world and have to learn how to create your own map, often step by tenuous step. It goes beyond the momentum derived from the initial excitement of discovery of reality creation principles and initial successful applications, and into…. what? In my own experience, it gets grittier and less polished. It gets repetitive, necessarily lonely or singular, and disheartening at times too. It requires tenacity. It mixes hits and misses and we’re left to sort out why this worked and this didn’t this time, but not the next. And it becomes less and less about technique and more and more about being and who we are at a fundamental level. At this point, while occasional reminders of the principles won’t hurt, they don’t necessarily add anything to your understanding of the journey itself.

My point in writing this is just to say that I’m really looking forward to seeing this next phase of conscious creation begin to be expressed more often as people continue to share their own experiences with stepping off the map. From my own perspective, it seems like the kind of thing that might require a sense of completion before you can effectively write about the whole journey. Maybe it has to be relayed in more of a holographic manner. Whenever I’ve tried to capture certain aspects in words before completion, it has sounded just like stuff I’d already written before – nothing new to see – keep moving along.

Now, I know this is sort of an inconclusive post unto itself, and might not be very satisfying, but in that case, my point has been expressed in a few ways here as well – LOL!

[tags]conscious creation, reality creation, metaphysics, the secret, law of attraction, enlightenment, consciousness[/tags]

Mysterious Irish Towers

Irish Tower - image from  philipcoppens.comThis article about the unknown age, construction, and purpose of about 70 round towers scattered about Ireland is a fascinating read overall, but a few choice quotes (from separate sections) are especially interesting because of the implications about energy:

“Using infrared photography, it has been noted that though there is clearly a roof on this tower, on infrared photographs, this does not show up – hinting at the possibility that certain considerations in its construction were in place to create this effect.”


“Hence, Professor Philip Callahan – who was stationed in Ireland during World War II – suggests that the Irish round towers (and similarly shaped religious structures throughout the ancient world) were human-made antennas which collected subtle magnetic radiation from the sun and passed it on to monks meditating in the towers, as well as plants growing around the towers’ base.”


“Farmer John Quackenboss of Virginia decided to construct a round tower; in 1986, he erected five 6′ high terracotta pipes of 12” diameter filled with basalt gravel, covering an area of 1000 acres. He capped the pipes with a cone of concrete, made with basalt gravel and coated in crushed basalt, bringing the total height to two metres – nowhere near the height of the average round tower. After six weeks, his farm enjoyed increased crop yields, despite drought conditions. He reported that the area covered by the towers had higher rainfall, but less moisture evaporation.”

It’s fascinating stuff. I also remember Robert Monroe saying that he realized one day that he had many of his OBEs in a tower-like room with a pyramid roof. Related? You decide – LOL.
[tags]energy, mystery, tower, stone, Ireland, metaphysical, paranormal[/tags]

Lucid Dream/OBE and Levitation

One of our dogs woke us up around 4:30 barking at coyotes howling in the distance. After that awakening, I finally got back to sleep just after I heard John’s watch beep for 5 a.m. It was still quite dark out. Next thing I know, I’m sitting up in bed, but feeling paralyzed, and I try to yell for John, but I can’t, since my throat is paralyzed too. But then I become a bit more lucid and decide that I’m not going to panic, and that it was just kind of a leftover panic from previous sleep paralysis experiences, and I feel myself relax. Then I shifted in and out of awareness a few times, probably getting more completely out of that sleep paralysis mode, and next I found myself standing in the bedroom, sort of half-aware and trying to levitate things with limited success. But then I become more lucid, more “there” and begin to succeed in levitating things! Nothing large, maybe a mug, or whatever happened to be near me on the table, but I was getting really good at it. Was holding my hand out like the energy was coming from my hand, and object was floating in front of and above it. I don’t think I ever fully, consciously realized I was in a lucid dream or OBE, but the experience of levitating things was felt very real and physical, and a lot of fun.

[tags]lucid dream, obe, astral projection, sleep paralysis, levitation, psychokinesis, telekinesis, out of body experience[/tags]